Executive Director
Texas Future Project

Delilah Agho-Otoghile is an organizer and strategist with 10 years of experience in electoral and advocacy campaigns across the country. She leads the Texas Future Project as the Executive Director, advising and aligning millions of dollars to support progressive civic engagement organizations in Texas. She is also the co-founder of VoteSimple, a digital voter registration nonprofit organization in Texas that has registered thousands of registering young, BIPOC and queer voters to vote.

For the historic November 2020 presidential election, she served as the National Field Director for Win Justice and a Senior Advisor to the New Georgia Project which successfully helped flip control of the White House and the U.S. Senate. Notably, she was the Texas State Director for Beto for America and was the Field Director for Stacey Abrams' 2018 gubernatorial campaign. 

A native of Houston, TX and the daughter of a Nigerian immigrant, her work is dedicated to ensuring our democracy truly reflects progressive values and the striking diversity of our country.