1. FCCP’s Annual Convening is one of the leading gatherings of civic engagement philanthropy in the country, drawing funders and field experts from across the country to explore the critical issues facing democracy. Averaging more than 200 attendees in recent years, this event showcases replicable work, creates space to network and learn from peers, and engages in discussions to address the challenges and opportunities in the field.

      1. Attendees include both FCCP members and non-affiliated grantmakers and advisors who provide significant resources to field organizations on the ground, doing critical civic engagement work each day. This year, we have also opened up our convening to enable field practitioners and nonprofit leaders to attend. We believe FCCP plays a vital role in connecting funders and their grantees (existing and prospective).

    The application period for Equity & Inclusion Scholarships is now open and will  close Friday, January 13, 2023. Please click here: funderscommittee.org/2023convening for the latest information and to apply for this opportunity.

        1. Need more information or assistance? We’re happy to help. Please email us at
        2. convening@funderscommittee.org