Executive Director
Corazón Arizona

Alicia Contreras serves as the Founding Executive Director of CORAZÓN Arizona, a member of the Faith in Action and Family Values @ Work networks. CORAZÓN Arizona is a community of diverse faith traditions and beliefs, schools, and individuals organizing for an Arizona where all people belong and can live with abundance and dignity. Alicia is committed to engaging everyday lay leaders like herself and building neighborhood organizing teams.

She is a loving and prophetic woman of faith and found her passion in serving her community and practicing her ministry of Social Justice while fasting with Maricopa County Citizens for Safety and Accountability in 2009. She continued to serve her community while working closely with youth and volunteers in grassroots movements in Arizona. In 2010, the divisive and hateful legislation of SB 1070 set her on the path she is on today. She knows the power of organizing, especially youth and those directly connected to the struggle. She believes all people have a God/higher power right to live with Abundance and Dignity and that we should love radically. 

Alicia comes to Corazon with experience in social service, advocacy, organizing, and community education. She facilitates trainings focused on personal narratives (Story of Self, Us and Now), volunteer team building (Movement Building Model), and voter registration. Alicia is extremely committed to engaging and empowering youth leaders within the community while building teams that are in deep relationships with one another. She is challenging leaders to center organizing in our joyful resistance and the importance of peacemaking. In her spare time, she loves spending time with her family and friends, traveling, and enjoying the beautiful outdoors.