How much does a ticket cost?
Registration is free! 
Where and when will this event take place?

This live and interactive workshop will be hosted via our Event Farm/Zoom integration on March 25th at 1pm EDT.

How can I join?
Once you register for the event you will receive a confirmation email with the zoom link. We will also be sending out a few reminders leading up to the event! 

What topics were covered in previous panels of the Crafting the Event Experience series?

▫️ Part 1: Designing the Event Brand
▫️ Part 2: A Guide to Experience Mapping
▫️ Part 3: How to Wow Attendees Beyond the Door
▫️ Part 4: Reimagining the Conference

▫️ Part 5: Driving Attendance

▫️ Part 6: Must Haves for 2023 

▫️ Part 7: Making Your Events Drive Pipeline 

Is the session eligible for CAE credit?

Yes! MemberSuite, Event Farm's parent company, is a CAE Approved Provider. Attending the one-hour live sessions meets the requirements for earning one CAE credit per session towards earning or maintaining the Certified Association Executive credential. For more information visit

Is the session eligible for CE credit?

Yes! Event Farm has been approved by the Events Industry Council (EIC) as a Preferred Provider of the above-listed continuing education course, which qualifies for CMP continuing education credit. Determination of continuing education credit eligibility or Preferred Provider status does not imply EIC's endorsement or assessment of education quality. 

Is Crafting the Event Experience Workshop a course? Can I watch previous sessions and earn CMP/CAE credits?
Crafting the Event Experience is not a course - it is a series of live sessions that Event Farm has been hosting since August 2021. Just like with a webinar, only attendees of the live sessions receive CMP and CAE credit. In other words, watching recordings of past sessions within the series is not eligible for credits.
How can I learn more about Event Farm's solutions?
Request a demo here

Have any questions about the event or Event Farm?

Please email us at

Join The Experience Creator Movement
Experience creators understand that events only achieve business outcomes when attendees are highly engaged. Event Farm is the industry-leading suite of event engagement tools that capture attendees’ attention and influence behavior.
Request a demo here.