Salewa Ogunmefun is a Nigerian-American social justice strategist who is deeply invested in public policy that prioritizes people over profits and strengthens community relationships with the understanding that “without community, there is no liberation.”
She has over a decade of experience leading electoral campaigns and field programs in over fifteen states. As Executive Director at Pennsylvania Voice she joins over 44 partners statewide in demanding a fully representative democracy.
Previously, Salewa served as Civic Engagement and Political Manager at Center for Popular Democracy. She was also Political Director at One Pennsylvania, leading efforts registering over 10,000 new voters. She’s most proud of the time she spent with workers and advocates to win Fair Workweek legislation in Philadelphia, the most significant labor policy passed in the city in recent history.
She enjoys spirited debates with her nephews, flexing her interior design skills, and playing Hip-Hop and R&B on the harp.