Research Director
New Georgia Project

Ranada Robinson is the Research Director at the New Georgia Project and the New Georgia Project
Action Fund. Ranada is responsible for designing and moving forward NGP and NGPAF’s mission-driven
research agenda and transforming research findings into strategic insights that inform the organizations’
strategic efforts. New Georgia Project has been recognized for its research by the Democracy Power and
Innovation Fund and Campaigns and Elections Magazine. She is also the Program Evaluator for Our
Village United, a nonprofit based in Atlanta that focuses on supporting the growth of Black small
businesses across the nation. She also currently serves on a number of boards, including the
Outstanding Atlanta Board of Trustees, the Tufts University CIRCLE Advisory Board, and The People's
Uprising Board of Directors. Ranada’s overarching goal for everything she does is making historically
disadvantaged communities better for future generations. Ranada holds a Master of Science in Urban
Policy Studies with specializations in policy analysis and economic development and planning and a
Master of Science in Risk Management and Insurance from Georgia State University. Ranada is also a
graduate of Tougaloo College, where she earned bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and computer