Korey T. Johnson, Esq. serves as a policy strategist and organizer for country-wide legislative campaigns that seek to eliminate economic barriers for individuals with criminal records. As an owner of her own consultant company, CK Strategies & Solutions, Korey's focus is on empowering advocates and developing technical support to sustain multi-state campaigns. Prior to joining the CSG, as a Senior Policy Analyst at the CSG Justice Center, Korey led a multi-state occupational licensure campaign that led to the passage of fair chance licensing policies in over 20 states for reentering citizens. Further, as a Senior Policy Research Analyst at the Job Opportunities Task Force, Korey’s advocacy resulted in the passage of legislation that increased educational opportunities for incarcerated individuals in the State of Maryland. She also served as an Attorney Advisor for the U.S. Department of Justice and a legislative aid in the State of Maryland General Assembly. She received her BS in political science from Towson University, JD from Howard University, and is currently a doctoral student at Morgan State University.