Luke Zettlemoyer

Professor, University of Washington

Research Director, Meta

Talk Title: Branch-Train-Merge: Embarrassingly Parallel Training of Expert Language Models


Existing language model (LM) training regimes entangle compute, data, and parameters, requiring expensive synchronous communication with massive supercomputers. This talk introduces a new algorithm called Branch-Train-Merge (BTM) that asynchronously trains LMs that are fundamentally modular. In BTM, components (or experts) of the LM are specialized to distinct domains in the training corpus, and experts are conditionally updated based on the domain of the incoming document. We show how BTM enables LMs that are rapidly customizable (with the ability to mix, add, or remove experts after training), embarrassingly parallel (requiring no communication between experts), and sparse (needing only a few experts active at a time for inference). Key to our proposal is exploring what constitutes the domains to which experts specialize, as well as reflecting on the data sources used to train LMs. Our new techniques chart a path towards collaborative and iterative LM development, where anyone can contribute and maintain experts at modest computational cost.

Speaker Bio:

Luke Zettlemoyer is a Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, and a Research Director at Meta. His research focuses on empirical methods for natural language semantics, and involves designing machine learning algorithms, introducing new tasks and datasets, and, most recently, studying how to best develop self-supervision signals for language model pre-training. His honors include being named an ACL Fellow as well as winning a PECASE award, an Allen Distinguished Investigator award, and multiple best paper awards. Luke received his PhD from MIT and was a postdoc at the University of Edinburgh.